Sica‘s POWER art work doesn‘t only reflect the surface of reality but it‘s also not only the phenomenal inspiration. Her ways are mysteriesly orientated with the Cosmos which are directed and opened. Through the antisocial method with the different material that Sica shows which is often daily negativity „darkness“ the world‘s spectrum that decides bright contrast that counteract. Her work opens up outlooks between intuition, vision, matter and cosmic reality „truth“ - dependent. Mythical, religious and spiritual themes are from Sica work is impressionaly shown and are often three dimentionaly which are done from her extraordinary technique and material which is reduced to the substantial. Power-paintings in a different dimension. Collectors signifies her art creation as „iconical minimalization“.
Exhibitions: Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland.

The triune material
the Sense (Dao) manufactures the first.
the First manufactures the second (Yin and Yang).
the Second manufactures the third (Heaven, Beings and earth).
the Third manufactures everything.
Everything has darkness in its background
and aspires towards the light,
and the flow of energy creates Harmony.[27]

Material are the ingredients, the presentation are the technique designing and the evolutional analysis. Therefor it means such as an opposing argument torwards non-public phenomenon as Spirit, Ideal, Information, Power or Radiant.
The existence is matter which therefore the personal emotion. Each motion, change and developement in matter goes therefore in space and time individually which defines therfore the unity in the material world.
•emerging separately,
•coordinated influence and such
•to transform into each other.