From his exile in Zerbst, Melanchthon witnessed the horrors of the Schmalkaldic War, but was however confident that God would preserve the church and the studies. He derived comfort from the letters he received as well as those he wrote himself. Approximately 240 of the 272 letters and texts contained in this volume were written by Melanchthon. It was in the chaos of war in particular that he believed solidarity among scholars to be of special importance. The news of the death of his daughter, Anna Sabinus, in Königsberg, caused him additional suffering. After the defeat of the electors of Saxony at the Battle of Mühlberg, Melanchthon fled with his family to Nordhausen. A number of universities, cities and rulers offered him asylum and jobs. Before Melanchthon was able to make a decision there were already rumors that the new ruler, Maurice of Saxony, was going to reopen the University of Wittenberg.