5th - 16th March 2018
THE ARTBOX.PROJECTS has been founded by THE ARTBOX.GALLERY Switzerland.
We have the goal to give upcoming artists from all over the world a platform on which they can present themselves to the public. THE ARTBOX.PROJECTS is moving around the world and gives young and talented artists the opportunity to par- ticipate in art projects at art-hotspots all around the world. We are proud to present the third ARTBOX.PROJECT in New York after Miami and Basel! Our desire to provide a platform for many talented artists has been fulfilled with great success. The interest in the exhibitions is very high. Already during the second exhibition in Basel, a large part of the exhibited original artworks were sold. We also received a lot of feedback from the artists, who were shown on the big screen, that they have made very interesting contacts with buyers and galleries. In this exhibition catalogue we present all finalists and semifinalists of THE ARTBOX.PROJECT New York 1.0, some of whom have written their statements not only in English but also in their native language. We are very happy about this, as it shows that art knows no boundaries! For this reason, I would like to make my statement in my mother tongue Swiss German in this introduction. I sincerely wish all readers of this catalogue much joy and all participating artists all the best for their further journey.
Kunscht gfallt, oder nöd, aber jedes Kunschtwerch mit Respäkt z betrachte, erwiiteret dä Geischt!
Kunst gefällt, oder nicht, aber jedes Kunstwerk mit Respekt zu betrachten, erweitern den Geist!
Art pleases or dislikes art, but to consider each work of art with respect, expand the mind!
Patricia Zenklusen, CEO, ARTBOX.GROUPS