Who am I?
Walter McSeacreek

I was born on December 3rd 1951 in Creuzburg/Thuringia as Walter Meerbach, because the world needs eccentric people, I grew up in Eschweiler near Aachen.
Training as interior decorator. Master's examination in Oldenburg.
Becoming an artist was not a decision, I developed into an artist and found myself in the system of revolting creativity.
As a child, I was allowed to play games, develop myself, but also experience boundaries that I can cross again and again in my artistic work without borders. In intensive, autodidactic and experimental studies, with the most different materials, motifs and techniques, especially in painting, my motto was to reach the limits but also to shift them.
The fascination of colour, the positive manipulation of thinking and the never-lost path to reality are the basis of my work. The sharpening of the senses for the absurd by creating meaningful thoughts is a symbiosis between painting, the euphoria and the dysphoria of my thoughts, written down in my poems.
Thats is the way forward.
I can do that,"Wandellism" ©