How to support the ethical orientation of business and management?

Often enough, the dimension of values is conceptually considered alien to the daily business sphere. Realistically speaking this is only a part of the truth. Of course there are values in business. Sometimes explicit, sometimes hidden, in cases positive values, in other cases elements considered problematic. Frequently there are value conflicts between competitive and social elements, between idealistic orientation and daily experiences, at times between personal orientation and company aims, in other cases between growing competitive pressure and stakeholder groups or political influences.This volume of thirty units intends to identify and think about experiences in daily business. It aims at identifying the ethical dimension, at supporting the sensitivity for values in corporate processes and at offering tools to use the ethical dimension both to settle value conflicts and to inspire more motivation, authenticity and the reflection about business contexts. The volume is composed of four blocks: Identifying structural change in economic globalisation, specifying the moral dimension in companies, handling moral and value conflicts and implementing of corporate ethical tools.Each unit is structured by one page of introduction (aim, what is about, ethical issue), one page overview/time, explanation of the steps to discuss and materials (texts, diagrams, exercises).