Michael Broß:
Factors for the Distribution of the Definite Article – A corpus based study on L1 and L2 Hausa from Maiduguri

Véronique de Colombel:
Lexique naturaliste du tchadique central et dynamique des contacts entre les populations

Dymitr Ibriszimow:
On the Verb in Ngamo

Philip J. Jaggar:
More in in situ wh- and Focus Constructions in Hausa

Silvia Sanvito:
La construction possessive en tchadique central

Olga Stolbova:
Chadic Lexical Data-Base – A project

Gábor Takács:
Comparative Angas-Sura Phonology in the Light of the Comparative Dictionary of the Angas-Sura Languages

Henry Tourneux:
Origine des consonnes doubles et de la nasale syllabique à l’initiale dans les parlers ' kotoko ' du Cameroun

H. Ekkehard Wolff:
Suffix Petrification and Prosodies in Central Chadic (Lamang-Hdi)