ENGLISH. Since Malta joined the EU way back in 2004, the Maltese language was officially recognized as a working passive tool of communication in oral and written documents prepared by the European Institution. In view of this, many Maltese and why not foreign students coming from the Arab world are trying to get trained in Maltese as interpreters and translators at the University of Malta. The book entitled: La traduction spécialisée: l’exemple de l’Énonciation en linguistique française/It-Traduzzjoni Speċjalizzata: l-Eżempju tat-Tlissina fil-Lingwistika Franciza (volumes 1 and 2) gives ample training both theoretic and practical in translation and translation studies. It is written both in French and Maltese, except for Annex 3 which is solely written in Maltese due to the fact that special emphasis is made by the translator to facilitate the notions and concepts in Maltese to Maltese learners in the field of translation and translation studies. Apart from its use in the theory of translation and translation studies, it can be read by those students of Maltese who are interested in getting profound training in Maltese utterance. This book complements the extensive work carried out in the past and presently by Maltese researchers in both Maltese etymology and morphosyntaxic studies since nowadays great importance is given to both utterance and discourse analysis. Last but not least this work targets those Maltese students of French reading for BA (Arts) and BA (Hons) at the University of Malta as well as those French students of Maltese reading for their Licence at the INALCO Institute in Paris whose linguistic programme may include the famous work of Dominique Maingueneau, that is: L’énonciation en linguistique française (1994,1999). The Maltese translation of this specialized book, together with the 509 notes in Maltese, that are to be found in Annex 3, prove extremely helpful to the understanding of the original text. The other annexes are very helpful to those French students reading for a Licence in French who wish to enhance their understanding of D. Maingueneau’s book of 1994, which was then re-printed in 1999. I hope that this work serves as a model to other languages taught at tertiary level in other EU countries where D. Maingueneau’s book is included in their linguistic programme

FRANCAIS: Dans cet ouvrage de traduction, on vise non seulement à faire la restitution d’une discipline spécialisée, en l’occurrence la linguistique énonciative/dicursive, et ce d’une langue véhiculaire en une langue vernaculaire, mais on s’acharne également à combler certaines lacunes de nature énonciative/discursive subsistant encore en linguistique maltaise. Le public ciblé sont tant les étudiants maltais se spécialisant dans le domaine de la traduction spécialisée que ceux préparant une Licence en langue française sans oublier d’inclure ces étudiants maltais déjà inscrits ou qui s’insriront en Licence de langue maltaise dans les années à venir. Cette entreprise bilingue par excellence jette également de la lumière sur les écarts de nature cognitive, énonciative, discursive, linguistique, terminologique…scindant les langues communes ou générales des langues de spécialité tout en permettant pour ainsi dire aux traducteurs spécialisés d’aborder sans crainte ni réticence les textes relevant de n’importe quel domaine spécialisé.

MALTESISCH: F’dan ix-xogħol ta’ traduzzjoni, il-mira tiegħi hija mhux biss li nagħmel traduzzjoni ta’ materja ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni, fil-każ tagħna tal-Lingwistika tat-tlissina/tad-diskors, minn lingwa veikulari għal waħda vernakulari, iżda qiegħed ukoll nipprova b’kull mezz li nista’ nimla ċertu vojt li ġej mit-tlissina/mid-diskors li għadu jeżisti fil-Lingwistika Maltija. Il-pubbliku li għalih dan ix-xogħol huwa mmirat huwa kemm l-istudenti Maltin li qegħdin jispeċjalizzaw fil-qasam tat-traduzzjoni speċjalizzata kif ukoll dawk li qegħdin jippreparaw għall-Grad.tal-Baċellerat fil-lingwa Franċiża, mingħajr ma ninsa li ninkludi dawk l-istudenti Maltin li huma diġà rreġistrati jew sejrin jirreġistraw fil-Baċellerat tal-Malti fis-snin li ġejjin. Din il-biċċa xogħol maħduma pereċċellenza b’żewġ lingwi titfa’ wkoll dawl fuq id-differenzi ta’ natura kognittiva, pragmatika, diskursiva, lingwistika, terminoloġika.li jifirdu bejniethom il-lingwi komuni jew ġenerali mil-lingwi ta’speċjalizzazzjoni u biex ingħid hekk hija tippermetti fl-itess waqt lit-tradutturi speċjalizzati jiffaċċjaw mingħajr biża’ u lanqas eżitazzjoni t-testi li jappartjenu għal kwalunkwe qasam speċjalizzat.