«By the old fashioned technique of diagramming a sentence, Sulzer convincingliy shows that Pindar's notorious word-order, so apparently chaotic, is in reality organized by simple principles of symmetry, akin to those of architecture. Her diagrams, with even the longest sentences written on a single line and with the elements related by conecting lines, reveal the rational structure of the most complicated examples at a glance.
Sulzer briefly traces these principles in Greek and Latin poetry outside of Pindar. This kind of analysis has, of course, long been familiar to students of Horace, for example. Her method, however, should prove fruitful in studies of other Greek poets. In Pindar's case she has rendered a good service by permetting us to see visually structures which the Greeks could apparently grasp audibly». (Leigh University; Douglas D. Feaver, 'The Classical World').