Is there such a thing as Jewish Architecture? – Scholars, scientists, and researchers from all over the world gathered in Braunschweig to answer just this question. The problem of a specific Jewish character in works of art and architecture has been a point of growing interest during the last decades. Case studies, regional surveys, and essays contained in this volume offer an insight into the variety of Europe’s architectural and urban structures that could be considered Jewish by origin.
With the help of this architectural heritage, Jewish presence in Europe can be detected all the
way back to early Jewish settlements in the Mediterranean region. From this time on, sacred
and secular Jewish buildings are interwoven into the pattern of their Christian and Muslim
surroundings. A straight line can be drawn connecting the medieval and early-modern shul
with the magnificent synagogues of the “Golden Age” and the large community centers built
in the Neues Bauen style. After the hiatus caused by the Shoah, newly expanding Jewish com-
munities find expression in new architectural forms which are also reflected in the architecture
of present-day Jewish museums.